Tuesday, April 10, 2007

1sT timE evEr!

I am stiLL wondering...actually..i dont know why i will be here...maybe cause of some reasons,i changed myself..even myself also cant understand,kinda like my brain commands i do this but my heart rejects..maybe i need a place to write down my feelings..that's why i m here..now i understand..again i solved a puzzle inside of my mind..infatuated by my own.. i m 'sick' now..alright..maybe besides writing down my feelings here..i am also write down my own story here too..maybe in future i can understand why would i wrote this??:P..again i m better now..that's something weird of myself..i noticed when i sad of something..my brain will instruct my body to do something else to gain back what i lost..that's maybe what i m doing that time is to compensate myself..that's why i am so optimistic now..by the way..i should stop here..for me the story will be continued soon!

P/S:an ending for a story = a brand new start of a new story

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